Sunday, August 13, 2023

"PUFFY CLOUDS" - TRAPUNTO, group exhibition of textile section of ULUPUH


The group selected/juried exhibition of the ULUPUH textile section is called TRAPUNTO, in the ULUPUH gallery, Ilica 13/1 floor. 06.- 21. 06.2023.

Exhibited by 9 authors: Kristina Antolić, Tatjana Grgurina Vučetić, Vesna Jakić, Vesna Kolobarić, Dora Kovačević, Ana Kujundžić, Marija Milković Pancer, Lili Poljak, Sanja Šebalj.

My work is PUFFY CLOUDS.

Year of creation: 2023.

Dimensions: 75 X 100 cm

Material and technique: silk, cotton felt, electroformed textile mesh, kapafix, dyes, threads, granules, futer, tracing paper

Description of work:

PUFFY CLOUDS is a painting that looks tactilely soft and floating. In the middle is an electroformed textile mesh, which is transformed into copper by a special process and takes on its color and hardness. The parts of the textile copper mesh have a puffy effect and are built up in textile form in trapunto with a hand stitch. There was a contrast of tactility and color. Trapunto hand stitch accentuated the gray raised silk clouds around the mesh. Gray crumpled silk emphasizes the story with applied processed tracing paper and granules, the materials are organically permeated.

I am a commentator on the times in which I live, I use my art to comment on social events and the ecological state of the Planet. With no colors of gray, black and white Ipay attention to ecological disasters and the only fading trace of greenery that remains as an inheritance for generations to come.

For those who are not yet informed - do you know the purpose of exhibitions and art? Exhibitions and art are the opposite of destruction and wars. Art is that subtle human activity that gives a stamp to the time in which it was created, stimulates fine emotions and encourages society to be creative at all levels. 

Skupna selektirana/žirirana izložba tekstilne sekcije ULUPUH -a naziva TRAPUNTO,  u galeriji ULUPUH, Ilica 13/1 kat. 06.- 21. 06.2023.

Izlaže 9 autora/ica: Kristina Antolić, Tatjana Grgurina Vučetić, Vesna Jakić, Vesna Kolobarić, Dora Kovačević, Ana Kujundžić, Marija Milković Pancer, Lili Poljak, Sanja Šebalj.


Godina nastanka:



75 X 100 cm

Materijal i tehnika:

svila, pamučni pust, elektrooblikovana tekstilna mrežica, kapafix, boje, konci, granule, futer, paus papir

Kratki opis rada:

PUFASTI OBLACI je slika koja pogledu djeluje taktilno meko i lebdeće. U sredini je elektrooblikovana tekstilna mrežica koja se posebnim procesom preoblikuje u bakar i poprima njegovu boju i tvrdoću. Dijelovi tekstilno bakrene mrežice djeluju pufasto i nadograđuju se u tekstilnoj formi u trapuntu ručnim bodom. Dogodio se kontrast taktilnosti i kolorita. Trapunto ručni bod je naglasio sive uzdignute svilene oblake okolo mreže. Siva zgužvana svila naglašava priču uz apliciran obrađeni paus papir i granule, materije se organski prožimaju.

Ja sam komentator vremena u kojem živim, svojim artom komentiram socijalne događaje i ekološko stanje Planeta. Ne bojama sive, crne i bijele obraćam pažnju  na ekološke katastrofe i tek blijedi trag zelenila koji ostaje u nasljedstvo generacijama koje dolaze.

Za one koji još nisu informirani - znate li koja je svrha izložbi i umjetnosti?  Izložbe i umjetnost su suprotnost destrukciji i ratovima. Umjetnost je ona suptilna ljudska aktivnost koja daje pečat vremenu u kojem je stvorena, potiče fine emocije i potiče društvo na kreativnost na svim razinama.

click on each photo to visit exhibition

kliknite na svaku fotku i posjetite izložbu

art, textile art, Vesna Kolobaric, ULUPUH

art, textile art, Vesna Kolobaric, ULUPUH

art, textile art, Vesna Kolobaric, ULUPUH

art, textile art, Vesna Kolobaric, ULUPUH

art, textile art, Vesna Kolobaric, ULUPUH

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