Monday, June 6, 2011


GENEZABila sam vrlo iznenađena kada sam prvi put vidjela kako izgleda stvaranje srebrenog nakita. Vatra topi srebro u tekuću masu kao lavu koja se u nekoliko sekundi ohladi u kalupu ... preša se u  stroju, reže, pili, turpija, brusi, polira, patinira ... boja srebra se mijenja u svakom procesu. Nastala boja me fascinira ... djelomično ju očistim i poliram srebro do visokog sjaja, a dio ostavim kao  trag kreativne energije, energije stvaranja. Fascinira me i podsjeća na stvaranje Planeta i VELIKI PRASAK!Na kraju procesa srebro je blistavo, moje ruke suhe , a nokti ispucani. Glamur dolazi poslije ;)
Završeno prstenje možete vidjeti i kupiti na mojoj Etsy stranici!

GENESISI was very surprised when I first saw how it looks like the creation of silver jewelry.
The fire Is burning silver into melting  liquid mass as a lava, which in a few seconds cooled in the mold ... pressing in the machine, cutting, sawing, filing, grinding, polishing, patination ...  the color of silver is changed in each process  ... stayed color fascinated me... I partially cleared that color  and polished silver to a high gloss and left a part as trace of creative energy. It is fascinating and reminds me on the creation of Planet and BIG BANGGG!!!On the end of the process silver is shiny, my hands are dry and  nails are cracked. Glamour comes later ;)

Finished rings can be seen and buy on the my Etsy page!

About inspiration - ABOUT MY ART, ABOUT MY LIFE

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