Monday, May 17, 2021


The black and white world as a sharp polarization of society and the disappearance of the middle class. The stones are raw, unpolished. Living conditions are also raw. Pearls are cheap, artificially grown. Glamor is still in its tracks. This is an artistic parallel with the current social state of society.
Jewelry is available in my Etsy web shop VESNAjewelryART:

Click on each photo to visit my Etsy web shop!
You are welcome! :)

Crno-bijeli svijet kao oštra polarizacija društva i nestanak srednje klase. Kamenje je sirovo, nepolirano. Životni uvjeti također su sirovi. Biseri su jeftini, umjetno uzgajani. Glamur je još uvijek na tragu. Ovo je umjetnička paralela sa trenutnim socijalnim stanjem u društvu.
Nakit je dostupan u mojoj Etsy web trgovini VESNAjewelryART:

Kliknite svaku fotografiju da biste posjetili moju Etsy web trgovinu!
Dobro mi došli! :)


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