(naziv moje unikatne srebrene ogrlice u skulptorskom oblikovanju)
međunarodna izložba umjetničkog nakita 22 autora grupe 24. lipnja do 20. srpnja 2011. g. u Padovi (Italija) GIOIELLODENTRO, koje sam član na njihov poziv.
Izložba je posvećena povijesnom Caffe Pedrocchi povodom 150 obljetnice neogotičke građevine, elegantnog mjesta okupljanja intelektualaca, umjetnika, filozofa…
Organizatori izložbe Francesca Canapa i Enrico Coberlone.
Inspiracija je neogotička arhitektura i kava. Ogrlica se sugestivno stopila sa arhitekturom, povijesti i trajanju Caffe Pedrocchi kao mjesta okupljanja i uživanja u kavi, druženju i priči. Tema ogrlice se kružno kreće. Oblikovana je ornamentima interijera, sugestivno su naznačeni stupovi i arkade fasade u pojednostavljenom obliku. Kako se gosti druže i analiziraju teme života, umjetnosti i filozofije i priče se prenose od stola do stola i nadograđuju, tako se pretaču oblici na ogrlici, kružno teku i oblikuju ogrlicu različitim oblicima. Poliranje je djelomično da bi tragovi gara plamenika sugestivno stvarali boje kave, a lotana srebrena prašina oblikovala tragove soca kave. Za miris, asocijaciju caffe-druženja, tu su 3 zrna kave da miriše i stimuliraju emocije.
(name of my unique silver necklace in sculptor design )
international exhibition of artistic jewelry by 22 artist ( 24th June20th July 2011.) in Padova (Italy) GIOIELLODENTRO that I am a member of their call.
The exhibition is dedicated to the historic Caffe Pedrocchi occasion of 150 anniversary of the neo-Gothic structure, an elegant meeting places of intellectuals, artists, philosophers ...
Organizers of the exhibition are Canapa Francesca and EnricoCoberlone.
Inspiration is a neo-Gothic architecture, and coffee. Necklace is suggestive fused with the architecture, history and duration of Caffe Pedrocchi as meeting places and coffee enjoy, socializing and story. Subject of necklace is in circular motion. It is shaped with interior decorations, as suggestively indicated pillars and arcades of the facade in a simplified form. As the guests mingle and analyze themes of life, art and philosophy, and stories are passed from table to table and build, so the transform shapes on a necklace, a circular flow and shape necklace in different forms. Polishing is partly to suggestive traces of soot burner and create the color of coffee. Traces of solder silver dust formed coffee dust. For the smell, coffee-association meetings, there are 3 coffee beans to smell and stimulate emotions.
The exhibition is dedicated to the historic Caffe Pedrocchi occasion of 150 anniversary of the neo-Gothic structure, an elegant meeting places of intellectuals, artists, philosophers ...
Organizers of the exhibition are Canapa Francesca and EnricoCoberlone.
Inspiration is a neo-Gothic architecture, and coffee. Necklace is suggestive fused with the architecture, history and duration of Caffe Pedrocchi as meeting places and coffee enjoy, socializing and story. Subject of necklace is in circular motion. It is shaped with interior decorations, as suggestively indicated pillars and arcades of the facade in a simplified form. As the guests mingle and analyze themes of life, art and philosophy, and stories are passed from table to table and build, so the transform shapes on a necklace, a circular flow and shape necklace in different forms. Polishing is partly to suggestive traces of soot burner and create the color of coffee. Traces of solder silver dust formed coffee dust. For the smell, coffee-association meetings, there are 3 coffee beans to smell and stimulate emotions.
(My translation, please do not judge the grammar :-))
Raccontami una storia
La collana s’è suggestivamente unita con architettura, storia e la vita di Caffe Pedrocchi, un posto dove se si trova, dove si gusta bevendo caffe e si sta in piacevole compagnia.
Tema principale della collana, e tondeggiante. E' formata a immagine di interni, suggestivamente sono accentuati elementi di pilastri e si ravvedono archi della facciata, anche se in forma semplificata.
Come gli ospiti di Caffe, stano in bella compagnia, analizzando importanti temi della vita, arte e la filosofia, e la loro storia passa da tavolo a tavolo, cosi, nella collana scorrono diverse forme, che sfumano in un cerchio chiuso, formandola in forma riconoscibile.
Collana e stata lucidata solo in parte, proprio per creare, con le tracce delle fiamme e di nerofumo, un ricordo di caffe. Con argento si suggerisce il resto dei fondi di caffe bevuto. E, alla fine, per avere una suggestione - un ricordo completo di piacevoli chiacchere in Caffe, troviamo tre grani di caffe: loro profumi e la forma stimolano emozioni.
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