Sunday, June 21, 2020


Periodically it is good to make a retrospective of creativity, we evolve over the years!
Emotions change just as much as inspirations. I have a new cycle of textile and mixed media jewelry in preparation. In accordance with the new cycle, I am currently in the phase of renovating the studio. I look forward to new more functional works benchs. The walls will have a different color and the whole atmosphere will be different. The workspace will be more inspiring ... bthw, it's a small studio, with lots of tools and machines. Currently, the law of creative chaos reigns in the studio :)))
For now, enjoy a retrospective of textile jewelry made from 2013-2020. years.

Periodično je dobro napraviti retrospektivu stvaralaštva, evoluiramo tokom godina!
Emocije se mijenjaju jednako kao i inspiracije. U pripremi imam novi ciklus tekstilnog i mixed media nakita. U skladu sa novim ciklusom upravo sam u fazi renoviranja ateljea. Veselim se novim funkcionalnijim radnim stolovima. Zidovi će imati drugu boju i cijela atmosfera će biti drugačija. Radni prostor će biti inspirativniji...bthw, mali je atelje, a puno alata i strojeva.  Trenutno u ateljeu vlada zakon kreativnog kaosa :))) 
Za sada, uživajte u retrospektivi tekstilnog nakita napravljenoga od 2013-2020. godine.

Visit my art shops:
VESNAjewelryART - women jewelry
VESNAmanJEWELRY - man jewelry
VESNAenamelJEWELRY - enamel jewelry
VESNAfiberART - fiber jewelry
FACEmaskCRO - face mask

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