Thursday, October 13, 2016



Još jedna skupna selektirana izložba članova ULUPUH-a na kojoj izlažem. Radovi su stvarani od otpada.

Autor koncepcije: Davor Klarić
Kustosica i selektorica izložbe: Branka Hlevnjak
Galerija ULUPUH Tkalčićeva 14, Zagreb
6.10. - 21.10.2016.
Otvorenje u četvrtak, 6. listopada u 19 sati
Moji radovi su narukvica CRVENI MJESEC i broš ZONA SUMRAKA stvoreni od otpadnog papira, lom srebra i drveta simulirajući tehnikom lakiranu kožu.


Another selected group exhibition of art works by members of ULUPUH . The works were created by the waste.
The exhibition ART ECO - SURPLUS
Author of the concept: Davor Klaric
The curator and selector of the exhibition: Branka Hlevnjak
ULUPUH Gallery Tkalčićeva 14, Zagreb
6.10. - 21.10.2016.
Opening on Thursday 6 October at 19 hours
My artworks are  bracelet RED MOON and brooch TWILIGHT ZONE made from waste paper, copper, recycled silver and wood simulating technique lacquered skin on the surface of paper.


bracelet RED MOON

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

skupna izložba članova ULUPUH-a "Materijal i forma – tekstil na novim granicama"


VEČERAS!!! Velika radost, skupna izložba članova ULUPUH-a 
"Materijal i forma – tekstil na novim granicama". Kustos izložbe: Nikola Albaneže.

Izlažem skulpturalnu kompoziciju od tri dijela "O snovima i maštanjima"
75×100×40 cm, eksperimentalna tehnika: papir, cement, brašno, zrnca iz filtera za vodu, konci, perje, boje, resin

Gradski muzej Vukovar

Dvorac Eltz, Galerija Oranžerija, Županijska 2, Vukovar
4.10. – 24.10.2016.
Otvorenje u utorak, 4. listopada u 18 sati

KONCEPT: O snovima i maštanjima
Kompozicija od 3 jastuka oblikovanih kao gljive su moj ekološki stav prema životu i iskorištavanju otpada za stvaranje arta. Za ovu izložbu radove prijavljujem u kategoriji mimikrije. Površina jastuka od kaširanog papira ima taktilnost crne lakirane kože u prva dva rada, a papirna pulpa mješana sa cementom i zrncima iz filtera za vodu su stvorili taktilnost zelene brušene kože u trećem radu. Stablo gljive je u kombiniranoj tehnici gdje vizualnost nose gusto omotani tanki konci i višeslojni nanosi Drvofix ljepila. Višeslojnim premazivanjem raznih boja stvoren je dojam organske taktilnosti. Jastuci su šuplje forme koji su za izložbu punjeni perjem. S empatijom se odnosim prema perju zbog kojeg su koke doživjele boli, ali to se dogodilo u prošlosti i slavonskom tradicijskom životu koji ne nastavljam. Šupljina jastuka u privatnom prostoru služi kao kutija za odlaganje sitnih predmeta. Vizualno tri jastuka oblikovani kao gljive su multifunkcionalno oblikovani kao skulpture i kao kutije za odlaganje sitnih predmeta.
Snovi i maštanja u nazivu nisu obojani već neutralno sivi i fleksibilni svim raspoloženjima. Iako je crna dominantna, bijelo-žuto-zeleno mješanjem daje nijanse sive. Snovi i maštanja ostaju tajanstveni, osobni i nerazotkriveni.



TONIGHT!!! Great joy, group exhibition of members ULUPUH
"The material and form - textiles to new frontiers", Curator: Nicholas Albaneže.
My art work is sculptural composition of the three-part "About dreams and fantasies"
75 × 100 × 40 cm, experimental techniques: paper, cement, flour, grains of water filters, thread, feathers, paint, resin
Vukovar Municipal Museum
Eltz Castle, Gallery Oranžerija, County 2, Vukovar
4.10. - 24.10.2016.
Opening on 4 October in 18 hours
CONCEPT: About dreams and fantasies
The composition of 3 pillows shaped like mushrooms are environmentally my attitude towards life and the exploitation of waste to create art. For this exhibition works are submitted in the category of mimicry. Surface of the pillows made of paper has a tactile of black leather in the first two work, a paper pulp mixed with cement and beads of water filters are created tactility green suede leather in the third work. The tree mushrooms in a combined technique where visuals carry densely wrapped in thin threads and multilayer coatings DRVOFIX glue. Multilayer coating of various colors created the impression of organic tactility. Pillows are hollow forms for exhibition filled with feather. With empathy treat the feathers that made chicken experienced pain, but it has happened in the past and Slavonian traditional life that I does not continue. The hollow pillow in the private area serves as a box to store small items. Visually three pillows shaped like mushrooms are multifunctional designed as sculpture and as a box for storing small items.

Dreams and fantasies in the title are not painted but neutral gray and flexible for all moods. Although the dominant black, white, yellow and green mixing gives shades of gray. Dreams and fantasies are mysterious, personal and unexposed.

About inspiration - ABOUT MY ART, ABOUT MY LIFE

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