Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Digital photo

Images belongs to the cycle of TIMELESS.

This is the story of modern times ... time filled with deadlines and stress ... the story about a man who must to rest and respite... paying attention to himself. Time has stopped and we can play with him ... From the greyness of everyday life we can pull the colors and look happier life and its contents ... be happy!!!! :)

I photographed the clocks mechanisms and digitally edit them in Photoshop. I created modern digital image, something between reality and imagination. Photo looks great in the private or official space, the colors are relaxing and reminds you that you deserved relaxation...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

New earrings in my jewelry shop!


MOBILNA MREŽA...srebro...mistika...unikat

 ..mrežice su mi inspirativne kao kao materija za obavijanje...daju dozu mistike...tajnosti...njezine paralele i meridijane malo iskrivim jer ni svijet u kojem živimo nije savršen, sve je malo pomaknuto...i mjerila vrijednosti međuljudskih odnosa i smisla života su malo pomaknuta. Trenutne događaje našeg društva i Planeta sa motivima i kompozicijom prenosim u svoje radove i pričam nijeme priče...bez glasa...samo vizualna umjetnost! *-*

MOBILE NETWORKS...silver earrings...mystic... unique

These earrings are unique...made in silver with black patina.

Net inspiring me as a matter of twine ... give a dose of mysticism ... secret ... her parallels and meridians are a little distorted because the World in which we live is not perfect, everything is slightly moved...the scale values ​​of human relations and the meaning of life are a little displaced. Current events of our society and the Planet I transfer to my work and tell silent stories ... no voice ... just visual art! 

About inspiration - ABOUT MY ART, ABOUT MY LIFE

  On the right side you have the TRANSLATE button, you can translate the text into your language. ABOUT MY ART, MY LIFE O MOJOJ UMJETNOSTI ,...