Monday, December 31, 2018

solo exhibition", 2010.,„…about wind, flying and movement!“

   My solo exhibition from 2010. now is on You Tube - finally :) „…about wind, flying and movement!“. Female wall relief with digital art on the background.

Finally I put on You Tube art works of an solo exhibition "... about wind, flight and movement!", Set in 2010 at Djakovo Museum, town where I live, and a month later in Gallery "Zvonimir" in Zagreb,capital of Croatia.
This was for me and still is a very personal exhibition. It is autobiographical. In addition to 40 female wall reliefs, I've also made digital editing of the same women's torso relief in Photoshop and put on a CD as an add-on to the catalog. That was an exhibition it the exhibition. Technically complex exhibition, I worked for a year.

Although I was referring to the ecology and ecological catastrophe of the Planet, which is in the concept of the exhibition, I show that on various patterns in paper mache and experimental techniques in female torso, the greatest inspiration of this exhibition was the personal experience that marked my life. The torso symbolically represents my stiff body watching the life around myself. The author of the catalog's preface was against mentioning a serious illness due to two professional illnesses and several cardinal doctoral mistakes, and the professional public was not polite about my health problem, so I was silent about my reality. But illness have defined art for lots of artists. Frida Kahlo is the most famous example. The disease is not shame, it is not chosen, it happens without consent. I was shocked by the lack of empathy of society. The empathy is only shown in public humatin projects but in personal encounters and communications people are often the mostly - cruel! Nor are artists perceived in the writing of the law as a professional illness, as it is recognized in all other professions, and doctors are not sanctioned for cardinal mistakes that have destroyed my health. I have the right to work as I'm completely healthy, but I'm not. I do not have any benefits. Fortunately, I have a strong spirit so I've managed to organize my life and work, and my studio is in the house so I do not have to travel to work. We know we do not live in a legal state. My illness is registered as a common illness, not professional, and all the tests in the KBC OS went wrong and after 13 months of the search they told me that Osijek hospital is small for my case, that my search I must continued in Zagreb, capital of Croatia where there was a bigger flow of different professionals and more people`s. In all outpatient papers, the doctors were contradictory in the diagnosis, but they were agree only in one position - I have to live a sparse regime. I was left without a complete diagnosis and without a conclusion how to treat my illness. With my diagnosis it is impossible to travel from Djakovo - Zagreb - Djakovo 500 km, so I began reading medical books and exploring methods of alternative medicine treatment. I've been my own doctor since 2005 although I have diploma from Textile and Fashion Design . Because of allergy to cobalt that is a professional illness due to textile dyeing, I have allergies to all pills because cobalt is in the traces in all pills. That's why all the pains and discomforts I live without pills, because if I use them I would risk anaphylactic shock - heart failure, I do not want that. Incorrigible are the effects on my spine and the respiratory system, and allergy to cobalt is an allergy that leads to death. I've even lost my work ability for a few years, while pain has led me to the brink of loss of consciousness. My body occasionally fails. I'm aware of my spirit that I exist but I do not feel the body. The feeling is very uncomfortable. The radius of my motion is getting smaller. Last year in 2018, I was only getting to the city once by formal duty, and I went to the nearby shops twice. Each time the return to home was very painful with severe discomforts, I walked only 30-40 minutes in total. In 2010 I was last time outside of Djakovo, at this independent exhibition in Zagreb. On the day of the exhibition opened, my body had collapsed. Travel to Zagreb and the arrange exhibition were enough to kick my spine. Fortunately, the friends I stayed are knew how to help me with that situation. I'm endlessly grateful to them, you know who you are <3

If you think that life is difficult, be happy if your body is healthy and functional. This torso symbolically represents my stiff body that looks at life around, or more precisely - I watch life virtually :)

Post about this solo exhibition is here:

Tuesday, September 11, 2018



Exhibitions are always joy and honor to be selected and exhibited with fellow artists!
On the 8th September, the group exhibition "Material and Form - Textile on New Borders" was opened. Exhibits 17 members of ULUPUH (Association of Applied Artistic of Croatia) at ULUPUH Gallery, Tkalčičeva 14, Zagreb.
The exhibition was premiered in 2016 in the Museum of the City of Vukovar and now in Zagreb.
The curator of the exhibition is Nikola Albanese.
The exhibition is open until September 24, free entrance.
I present a 3-pillow composition called "ABOUT DREAMS AND FANTASIES". Exhibition and opening day can be found here: 

I exhibit a sculptural composition of 3 parts - papier-mache, cement, epoxy, threads, glue, colors and feathers that dreams that the dreams swirling around.
All the works are made from milled catalogs of shopping malls we receive every day in the mailbox. Personally, I consider it an ecological catastrophe because a huge number of trees have been cut for our brief information and the catalogs are thrown away. These are not literary works that we read and keep on the shelves. I often recycle such paper into artwork. I prolong paper life time.
I treated the paper in a way that mimics the tactility of lacquered leather. I change his appearance and tactility.

A sculptural collection of 3 pillows has can be used as a box for small things or can be sculptures in space.

Izložbe su uvijek veselje i čast je biti selektiran i izlagati sa kolegama umjetnicima!
8og Rujna je otvorena skupna izložba "Materijal i forma – tekstil na novim granicama". Izlaže 17 članova ULUPUH-a (Udruženje Likovnih Umjenosti Primijenih Umjetnika Hrvatske) u galeriji ULUPUH, Tkalčičeva 14, Zagreb. 
Izložba je premijerno predstavljena 2016. godine u Muzeju grada Vukovara i sada u Zagrebu.
Kustos izložbe je Nikola Albaneže. 
Izložba je otvorena do 24. rujna, ulaz je besplatan.
Izlažem kompoziciju od 3 jastuka naziva "O SNOVIMA I MAŠTANJIMA". Cijeli postav izložbe i otvorenje pogledajte ovdje: 

Izlažem skulpturalnu kompoziciju od 3 dijela - papier mache, cement, resin, konci, ljepilo, boje i perje da se snovi razbaškare 
Svi su radovi napravljeni od mljevenih kataloga trgovačkih centara koje primamo svaki dan u poštanski sandučić. Osobno to smatram ekološkom katastrofom jer je za našu kratku informacju posječen ogroman broj stabala a katalozi se bacaju. To nisu književna djela koja čitamo i čuvamo na policama. Često recikliram takav papir u umjetnička djela. Produžavam papiru rok trajanja. 
Papir sam obradila na način da oponaša taktilnost lakirane kože. Mijenjam mu izgled i taktilnost.
Skulptorska kolekcija od 3 jastuka ima upotrebnu vrijednost kao kutije za odlaganje malih stvari ili mogu biti skulpture u prostoru.

here are photos of catalog and my art works from every angles, enjoy :)
ovdje su fotografije kataloga i moji umjetnički radovi iz svih kutova, uživajte! :)

and few more photos what Mario, my dear friend is make. Thank you Mario!

Thank you for reading my post! 
To follow my blog please see right side of my blog, there is button for "follow":)

Monday, April 16, 2018


I have spring "flowers" for you - enjoy! 
Imam proljetno "cvijeće" za vas - uživajte! 

- My 3 sculptures, SUCCULENTS, DAISIES and BLUE TULIP for the group selected art exhibition "ART-ECO Equilibrium" in ULUPUH Gallery, Tkalčićeva 14, Zagreb, 29.6. - 27.7.2018.

- Moje 3 skulpture, SUKULENT, TRATINČICA i PLAVI TULIPAN za skupnu selektiranu izložbu "ART-ECO Ravnoteža" u galeriji ULUPUH, Tkalčićeva 14, Zagreb, 29.6. - 27.7.2018.

exibition catalogue:
ULUPUH Gallery web page:
photos from oppening of exibition:


Electroforming is less known technique in Croatia. That is a transformation of organic and inorganic matter in copper, alchemy and the challenge for creation. Here, in my works, that is textile net on the top of each work/flower. Covered with copper and has its solid.

Through PVC magnifier is possible to observe from multi-angle. The image fracture is observed, which is an association on the deformation of the society and the search of ecological values through magnifier.

The name APOCALYPTIC MEADOW refers to the global changes that

changing our Planet, extinction of the original types of vegetation in favor of GMOs. That is why my flowers have a synthetic and apocalyptic look.

electroformed textile mesh, wood, box, fabric, leather rope, threads, PVC magnificent,  hot glue, PU foam, colors, burlap

Elektrooblikovanje je manje poznata tehnika u Hrvatskoj. To je transformacija organske i anorganske materije u bakar, alkemija i izazov za stvaranje. Ovdje, u mojim radovima, to je tekstilna mrežica na vrhu svakog rada/cvijeta. Prekriveni su bakrom i imaju njegovu čvrstoču.
Kroz PVC povečalo skulpture se mogu promatrati iz više uglova, slika se lomi ovisno o kutu gledanja. Lomom slike se referiram na deformaciju društva i traženje ekoloških vrijednosti kroz povečalo.
Nazivom APOKALIPTIČNA LIVADA se referiram na globalne promjene koje mijenjaju naš planet, izumiranje izvornih vresta biljaka u orist GMO. Zato moje "cvijeće" ima apokaliptičan izgled, sukobljene su organske i anorganske materije. 

elektrooblikovana tekstilna mrežica, drvo, piksa, tkanina, koža, konci, PVC povečalo, PU pjena, juta, boje

SUCCULENT - Sukulent: 36×20×19 cm

DAISY - Tratinčica: 25×12×21 cm

BLUE TULIP - Plavi tulipan: 29×14×29 cm


About inspiration - ABOUT MY ART, ABOUT MY LIFE

  On the right side you have the TRANSLATE button, you can translate the text into your language. ABOUT MY ART, MY LIFE O MOJOJ UMJETNOSTI ,...