Saturday, October 15, 2022

National heritage – Sibenik Cathedral


National heritage – Sibenik Cathedral
group exhibiton of ULUPUH group (Association of Fine Artists of Applied Arts of Croatia)
Curator of the exhibition: Ivana Bakal
Jury for the selection of works: Ivana Bakal, Višnja Slavica Gabout, Branka Hlevnjak
Place and time of the exhibition:
ULUPUH Gallery, Tkalčićeva 14, Zagreb; 24.9. – 7/10/2019
Gallery of St. Nikola Tavelića, street Kralja Tomislava 10, Šibenik. 30.06 - 14.07.2022.

Nacionalna baština – Šibenska katedrala
skupna izložba ULUPUH-a (Udruga Likovnih Umjetnika Primijenjenih Umjetnosti Hrvatske)
Kustosica izložbe i autorica likovnog postava: Ivana Bakal
Žiri za odabir radova: Ivana Bakal, Višnja Slavica Gabout, Branka Hlevnjak
Prostor i vrijeme održavanja izložbe:
Galerija ULUPUH, Tkalčićeva 14, Zagreb; 24.9. – 7.10.2019.
Galerija sv. Nikole Tavelića, ulica kralja Tomislava 10, Šibenik. 30.06 - 14.07.2022.

"The National Heritage exhibition presents works created on the theme of Croatian national heritage, and this year it is being held for the third time. The goal of the project/exhibition is the active involvement of ULUPUH in the creative and cultural industry by connecting with all the necessary segments for the creation and placement of art in cooperation with partners from the tourism and economic sectors. In the first edition (2015), the exhibition was dedicated to canine heritage, in the second edition (2017) to lace, and this year the Šibenik Cathedral was chosen as inspiration - as a motif in textiles, clothing, sculpture, jewelry, photography, ceramics, illustration, caricatures, multimedia, etc. Artists of all sections are invited to respond artistically to the overarching theme in their medium of expression, creating a unique work, but also a possible recognizable artistic souvenir. Cathedral of St. Jakov in Šibenik is the most significant architectural achievement of the 15th and 16th centuries on Croatian soil. Due to its exceptional values, it was included in UNESCO's list of world cultural heritage in 2000. Ivana Bakal, author of the concept and curator of the exhibition, adapted from the foreword.
The exhibition was realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and the City of Zagreb.

„Na izložbi Nacionalna baština prikazuju se radovi nastali na temu hrvatske nacionalne baštine, a ove se godine održava po treći put. Cilj projekta/izložbe je aktivno uključivanje ULUPUH-a u kreativnu i kulturnu industriju povezivanjem sa svim potrebnim segmentima za izradu i plasman umjetnina suradnjom s partnerima iz turističkog i gospodarskog sektora. U prvom izdanju (2015.) izložba je bila posvećena kinološkoj baštini, u drugom izdanju (2017.) čipki, a ove je godine kao inspiracija odabrana Šibenska katedrala – kao motiv u tekstilu, odjeći, kiparstvu, nakitu, fotografiji, keramici, ilustraciji, karikaturi, multimediji i dr. Umjetnici svih sekcija pozvani su da u svome mediju izražavanja likovno odgovore na krovnu temu stvarajući unikatno djelo, ali i možebitan prepoznatljiv umjetnički suvenir. Katedrala Sv. Jakova u Šibeniku najznačajnije je graditeljsko ostvarenje 15. i 16. stoljeća na tlu Hrvatske. Zbog svojih iznimnih vrijednosti 2000. godine uvrštena je na UNESCO-ov popis svjetskoga kulturnog naslijeđa.“ dr. art. Ivana Bakal, autorica koncepcije i kustosica izložbe, prilagođeno iz predgovora.
Izložba je realizirana uz financijsku potporu Ministarstva kulture RH i Grada Zagreba.

ROSETTE, 2019. a necklace that takes only the outline, the circle, from the rosette. A perfect form without beginning and end. The cork rope is wrapped in silk, associating it with columns with twisted reliefs and floral motifs. The electroformed textile mesh abstractly evokes the rhythm of the stone stacked in the cathedral. Steady and firm.
Dimensions: inner circumference 87 cm
Material: electroformed textile mesh technique, cork rope, silk, silver, copper, acrylic paint, PVC

ROZETA, 2019. ogrlica koja od rozete uzima samo obris, krug. Savršeni oblik bez početka i kraja. Pluteni konopac je omotan silkom asocirajući na stupove sa  usukanim reljefima i florealnim motivima. Elektooblikovana tekstilna mrežica apstraktno dočarava ritam kamena složenog u katedrali. Postojan i čvrst.
Dimenzije: unutrašnji opseg 87 cm
Materijal: tehnika elektrooblikovana tekstina mrežica, pluteni konopac, silk, srebro, bakar, akrilna boja, PVC

RHYTHM, 2019. line as the rhythm of words in prayer, calmness and spiritual peace created by looking at organically imbued tones and tactility of matter. The relief of the columns and the stone are rendered in materials that simulate the surface of the stone.
Dimensions: 9.7×10.2×1.5 cm
Material: technique of electroformed ribbed cardboard, copper, various patinas, resin, silver

RITAM, 2019. linija kao ritam riječi u molitvi, smirenje i duhovni mir stvoreni pogledom na organski prožete tonove i taktilnosti materije. Reljef stupova i kamena pretočeni su u materijama koje simuliraju površinu kamena.
Dimenzije: 9.7×10.2×1.5 cm
Materijal: tehnika elektooblikovan rebrasti karton, bakar, razne patine, resin, srebro

VITRAJ, 2019. is a symbiosis of heavy metal construction and glass, an abstract experience of the interior of a stone cathedral of organic stone textures and smooth glass surfaces. An electroformed textile mesh with the tactility and hardness of copper is floating trapped in the resin in contrast to the fluidity and hardness of the material.
Dimensions: 8.5×9.7×1.17 cm
Material: electroformed textile mesh technique, copper, resin, silver

VITRAJ, 2019.  je simbioza teške metalne konstrukcije i stakla, apstraktni doživljaj interijera kamene katedrale organskih tekstura kamena i glatkih površina stakla. Elektooblikovana tekstilna mrežica sa taktilnosti i tvrdoćom bakra je lebdeći zarobljena u resinu u kontrastu fluidnosti i tvrdoće materijala.
Dimenzije: 8.5×9.7×1.17 cm
Materijal: tehnika elektrooblikovana tekstilna mrežica, bakar, resin, srebro

Electroforming is a less known technique in Croatia. It is the transformation of organic and inorganic matter into copper, alchemy and a challenge to create. Here, in my works, it is a textile mesh. With the presence of current from the laboratory power source on the conductive paint, copper particles from the copper anode are organically bonded to the textile mesh through the chemical and give it the look and strength of copper. The textile mesh is covered with copper and has its strength. Although the textile has been transformed into copper, it is still a work of textile art, but it is possible to see the work at the same time as metal and textile work.

Elektrooblikovanje je manje poznata tehnika u Hrvatskoj. To je transformacija organske i anorganske materije u bakar, alkemija i izazov za stvaranje. Ovdje, u mojim radovima, to je tekstilna mrežica. Uz prisustvo struje sa laboratojskog izvora struje na konduktivnu boju se sa bakrene anode čestice bakra kroz kemikaliju organski sljubljuje na tekstilnu mrežicu i daju joj izgled i čvrstoču bakra. Tekstilna mrežica je prekrivena  bakrom i ima njegovu čvrstoču. Iako je tekstil pretvoren u bakar radi se ipak o djelu tekstilne umjetnosti, ali je moguće rad gledati u isto vrijeme kao metalni i tekstilni rad.

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