Wednesday, October 23, 2013

YEAR BOOK 2013/14 - contemporary jewelry

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 ogrlica - patinirano srebro, zlatni pirit, citrin
kliknite na svaku fotku i posjetite  stranicu GRUPO DUPLEX na kojoj je katalog i moj rad na 124. stranici
clik on each photo and visit GRUPO DUPLEX page and catalog, my necklace is on 124th page
Prošli tjedan je završila selektirana izložba suvremenog autorskog nakita na kojoj sam izlagala u organizaciji GRUPO DUPLEX koja je bila dio tjedana suvremenog nakita u Madridu, Barceloni (Španjolska) i Munichu  (Njemačka). GRUPO DUPLEX se 30 godina bavi izdavaštvom i prezentacijom draguljarstva, nakita i satova. Na ovoj izložbi  selektirali su 130 umjetnika nakita iz cijelog svijeta koji su predstavljeni u katalogu tiskanom u 2000 primjeraka. Ja sam jedina autorica iz Hrvatske. Pokrovitelj mog sudjelovanja je moj grad Đakovo, Gradonačelnik!

Izložila sam ogrlicu "IN BETWEEN" od srebra sa zlatnim piritom i citrinom. Inspiracija za ogrlicu mi je pokret tijela, energija  i kretanje u Svemiru. Oblik je apstraktan bez prepoznatljivih oblika. Kako oblikovati energiju trodimenzionalno!? Moj nakit se uvija i proteže u prostor u simetričoj asimetriji, istražuje prostor u srebru sa poludragim kamenjem, patinom i decentnom strukturom koji daju osječaj misterije.

Katalog - moja ogrlica je abecednim redom na 124. stranici:

IBERJOYA - Jewellery trade show in Madrid – 11-15 rujan 2013

JOYA BARCELONA – Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Week - 17-19 listopad 2013

ESPAIJOIA - Jewellery trade show in Barcelona – 17-20 listopad 2013

INHORGENTA - Munich - 14-17 veljača 2014

necklace- patinated silver, golden pyrite, citrine  

 Last week ended selected exhibition of contemporary jewelery on  which I exhibited in GRUPO DUPLEX organization which was part of weeks of contemporary jewelry in Madrid, Barcelona (Spain ) and Munich ( Germany) . GRUPO DUPLEX have 30 years of experience in publishing and presentation of jewelery , diamonds and  watches. In this exhibition were selected 130 artists of jewelry from around the world, they are represented in the catalog printed in 2000 copies . I am the only author from the Croatian .
Sponsor of my participation is my town Ðakovo, Mayor!

 I exhibit necklace "IN BETWEEN " of silver with gold pyrite and citrine . The inspiration for the necklace is my body movement , energy and movement in the Space . The shape is abstract with no recognizable motifs. How to form in three-dimensional energy ! ? My jewelry twists and stretches into the space in a symmetrical asymmetry , explores space in silver with semi-precious stones , patina and decent structure that give a sense of mystery .

Catalogue - my necklace is in alphabetical order on the 124 page :
 IBERJOYA - Jewellery Trade Show in Madrid - 11 to 15 September 2013JOYA BARCELONA - Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Week - October 17 to 19, 2013ESPAIJOIA - Jewellery trade show in Barcelona - 17 to 20 October 2013INHORGENTA - Munich - 14 to 17 February 2014


About inspiration - ABOUT MY ART, ABOUT MY LIFE

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