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Grand opening of the 55th ZAGREB SALON of Applied Arts and Design - Wednesday, June 24 at 7 pm in the open air in front of the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum, Savska cesta 18, Zagreb. This year's Salon is realized in two spaces of the Technical Museum Nikola Tesla - Exhibition Hall next to the main building and Hall V and in the ULUPUH Gallery, which will also be open on the opening day from 19 to 21 hours. Information for jewelry lovers - all jewelry will be exhibited in the gallery ULUPUH, Ilica 13, 1st floor. And my 2 brooches among them.. Duration of exhibitions 24.06.2020. - 14.07.2020.
"Zagreb Salon is a prestigious national exhibition of contemporary art in the field of visual arts, design and architecture, with a long, 50-year tradition. This year's 55th edition of this event is organized by ULUPUH and led by Ivana Bakal, director of the Salon, dedicated to applied arts and design. The central theme of the Salon entitled "Pulse of the Moment or What Moves You" was conceived by Iva Körbler, curator and author of the concept. selected 133 authors and groups of authors and 250 art works, with about fifty invited authors.
Exhibition organizer: ULUPUH
Partners: Nikola Tesla Technical Museum and Mimara Museum
The exhibition was financially realized with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and the City Office for Culture of the City of Zagreb.
For more information about the salon and accompanying events, follow the website of the salon https://55zagrebackisalon.com/ and Facebook of the 55th Zagreb Salon. "
Svečano otvorenje 55. ZAGREBAČKOG SALONA primijenjene umjetnosti i dizajna - srijeda, 24. lipnja u 19 sati na otvorenom prostoru ispred Tehničkog muzeja Nikola Tesla, Savska cesta 18, u Zagrebu. Ovogodišnji se Salon realizira u dva prostora Tehničkog muzeja Nikola Tesla – Izložbenoj dvorani uz glavnu zgradu i Hali V te u Galeriji ULUPUH koja će se također moći posjetiti na dan otvorenja u vremenu od 19 – 21 sat. Informacija za ljubitelje nakita - sav nakit će biti izložen u galeriji ULUPUH, Ilica 13, 1. kat. I moja 2 broša među njima.
"Zagrebački salon ugledna je nacionalna izložba suvremenog stvaralaštva na polju vizualnih umjetnosti, dizajna i arhitekture, s dugom, 50-godišnjom tradicijom. Ovogodišnje, 55. izdanje ove manifestacije realizira se u organizaciji ULUPUH-a i pod vodstvom Ivane Bakal, ravnateljice Salona, a posvećeno je primijenjenim umjetnostima i dizajnu. Središnju temu Salona pod nazivom "Puls trenutka ili što vas pokreće" osmislila je Iva Körbler, kustosica i autorica koncepcije. Na natječaj za sudjelovanje na Salonu prijavilo se 247 autora i grupa autora te čak 503 rada. Šesteročlani žiri odabrao je 133 autora i grupa autora te 250 radova, uz pedesetak pozvanih autora.
Organizator izložbe: ULUPUH
Partneri: Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla i Muzej Mimara
Izložba je financijski realizirana uz potporu Ministarstva kulture RH i Gradskog ureda za kulturu Grada Zagreba.
Za više informacija o salonu i popratnim događanjima pratite web stranicu salona https://55zagrebackisalon.com/ i Facebook 55. zagrebačkog salona. "
BUD, brooch, burlap fabric is electroformed and coated with a layer of copper. Electroforming is a lesser known technique in Croatia, it is an alchemy by which the tactility of organic matter is changed and turned into copper. By recycling discarded burlap rags, burlap came to life anew in the form of a brooch. Like a bud that will come to life with new life in fashion combinations instead of a rag burdening the Planet like waste. Recycling inspires me and carries me creatively throughout my artistic career. There is a lot of waste created by modern life which gives me a lot of work so a little hill of my art grows.
MATERIAL: burlap fabric, copper, silk, thread, copper wire, copper tube.
The burlap fabric is electroformed and coated with a layer of copper. Electroforming is a lesser known technique in Croatia. It is an alchemy by which organic matter changes its tactility and turns it into copper, giving it the strength and tactility of a metal. I pulled a thin copper wire out of the broken electrical appliances, wrapped it around the steel wire, and gave it an organic look that came out of the burlap like two prongs. One prong ends with a silk bud. The whole brooch is a product of recycling.
PUPOLJAK, broš, Tkanina od jute je elektrooblikovana i presvučena slojem bakra. Elektrooblikovanje je manje poznata tehnika u Hrvatskoj, to je alkemija kojom se organskoj materiji mijenja taktilnost i pretvara u bakar. Reciklažom odbačene jutene krpe, juta je zaživjela novi život u obliku broša. Kao pupoljak koji će zaživjeti novim životom u modnim kombinacijama umjesto da je krpa opteretila Planet kao otpad. Reciklaža me inspirara i kreativno nosi tokom cijele umjetničke karijere. Puno je otpada stvorenog modernim životom što mi daje puno posla pa malo brdašce mog arta raste.
MATERIJAL: jutena tkanina, bakar, svila, konci, bakrena žica, bakrena cijev.
Tkanina od jute je elektrooblikovana i presvučena slojem bakra. Elektrooblikovanje je manje poznata tehnika u Hrvatskoj. To je alkemija kojom se organskoj materiji mijenja taktilnost i pretvara u bakar, dajući joj čvrstoču i taktilnost metala. Tanku bakrenu žicu sam izvukla iz pokvarenih električnih uređaja, omotala oko čelične žice i dala joj organski izgled koja kao dva kraka izlazi iz jute. Jedan krak zvršava popljkom od svile. Cijeli je broš produkt reciklaže.
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RHYTHM, brooch,
RHYTHM line as the rhythm of words in prayer, calmness and spiritual peace created by looking at organically permeated tones and tactility of matter. The rhythm of different substances is organically permeated, although according to tactile players they are opposite, hot or cold, organic or inorganic. The corrugated cardboard was turned into copper by the electroforming technique. I love the challenge that technique gives. Any soft material can become metal and come to life in eternity in the art of jewelry. The corrugated cardboard was recycled, dipped in epoxy resin in symbiosis with silver and thread, and ended up on my little hill of recycled art.
MATERIAL: corrugated cardboard, epoxy resin, silver, thread.
The brooch is made using combined techniques. I love the challenge of combining techniques and matter. The corrugated cardboard was transformed into copper by alchemy, electroforming technique, and gained the strength of the metal. It is immersed in epoxy resin with an ornament of silver and bright green wrapped thread.
RITAM, broš,
RITAM linija kao ritam riječi u molitvi, smirenje i duhovni mir stvoreni pogledom na organski prožete tonove i taktilnosti materije. Ritam različitih materija se organski prožimaju iako su po taktilnisti u suprotnosti, tople ili hladne, organske ili anorganske. Rebrasti karton je pretvoren u bakar tehnikom elektrooblikovanja. Volim izazov koja ta tehnika daje. Svaka mekana materija može postati metal i zaživjeti u vječnost u artu nakita. Rebrasti karton je recikliran, utopljen u epoksidnoj smoli u simbiozi sa srebrom i koncima i završio na mom malu brdašcu recikliranog arta.
MATERIJAL: rebrasti karton, epoksidna smola, srebro, konac.
Broš je napravljen kombiniranim tehnikama. Volim izazov kombinacije tehnika i materija. Rebrasti karton je alkemijom, tehnikom elektrooblikovanja pretvoren u bakar i dobio je čvrstoču metala. Utopljen je u epoksilnoj smoli sa ornamentom srebra i kričavo zelenog omotanog konca.
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