Exhibitions are always joy and honor to be selected and exhibited with fellow artists!
On the 8th September, the group exhibition "Material and Form - Textile on New Borders" was opened. Exhibits 17 members of ULUPUH (Association of Applied Artistic of Croatia) at ULUPUH Gallery, Tkalčičeva 14, Zagreb.
The exhibition was premiered in 2016 in the Museum of the City of Vukovar and now in Zagreb.
The curator of the exhibition is Nikola Albanese.
The exhibition is open until September 24, free entrance.
I present a 3-pillow composition called "ABOUT DREAMS AND FANTASIES". Exhibition and opening day can be found here:
I exhibit a sculptural composition of 3 parts - papier-mache, cement, epoxy, threads, glue, colors and feathers that dreams that the dreams swirling around.
All the works are made from milled catalogs of shopping malls we receive every day in the mailbox. Personally, I consider it an ecological catastrophe because a huge number of trees have been cut for our brief information and the catalogs are thrown away. These are not literary works that we read and keep on the shelves. I often recycle such paper into artwork. I prolong paper life time.
I treated the paper in a way that mimics the tactility of lacquered leather. I change his appearance and tactility.
A sculptural collection of 3 pillows has can be used as a box for small things or can be sculptures in space.
Izložbe su uvijek veselje i čast je biti selektiran i izlagati sa kolegama umjetnicima!
8og Rujna je otvorena skupna izložba "Materijal i forma – tekstil na novim granicama". Izlaže 17 članova ULUPUH-a (Udruženje Likovnih Umjenosti Primijenih Umjetnika Hrvatske) u galeriji ULUPUH, Tkalčičeva 14, Zagreb.
Izložba je premijerno predstavljena 2016. godine u Muzeju grada Vukovara i sada u Zagrebu.
Kustos izložbe je Nikola Albaneže.
Izložba je otvorena do 24. rujna, ulaz je besplatan.
Izlažem kompoziciju od 3 jastuka naziva "O SNOVIMA I MAŠTANJIMA". Cijeli postav izložbe i otvorenje pogledajte ovdje:
Izlažem skulpturalnu kompoziciju od 3 dijela - papier mache, cement, resin, konci, ljepilo, boje i perje da se snovi razbaškare
Svi su radovi napravljeni od mljevenih kataloga trgovačkih centara koje primamo svaki dan u poštanski sandučić. Osobno to smatram ekološkom katastrofom jer je za našu kratku informacju posječen ogroman broj stabala a katalozi se bacaju. To nisu književna djela koja čitamo i čuvamo na policama. Često recikliram takav papir u umjetnička djela. Produžavam papiru rok trajanja.
Papir sam obradila na način da oponaša taktilnost lakirane kože. Mijenjam mu izgled i taktilnost.
Skulptorska kolekcija od 3 jastuka ima upotrebnu vrijednost kao kutije za odlaganje malih stvari ili mogu biti skulpture u prostoru.
here are photos of catalog and my art works from every angles, enjoy :)
ovdje su fotografije kataloga i moji umjetnički radovi iz svih kutova, uživajte! :)

and few more photos what Mario, my dear friend is make. Thank you Mario!
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