Thursday, January 25, 2018
Sunday, January 21, 2018
- Finally! After 14 years in jewelry creation I have ultrasonic tub for cleaning jewelry. This is first time how I cook jewelry on this way. Since yesterday I was use small electric hot plate, an old metal bowl, strainer tea in hot water with detergent for dished who acted as an ultrasonic cleaner in which I cooked jewelry. Looks comic, as they coming from different centuries :)
- Konačno! Nakon 14 godina u stvaranju nakita imam ultrazvučnu kadu za čistiti nakit. Ovo je prvi put kako kuham nakit na ovaj način. Do jučer sam koristila mali rešo za kuhanje, staru rajničicu, cjediljku za čaj u vrućoj vodi s deterdžentom za suđe. Ova je kompozicija glumila ultrasonični čistač nakita. Izgleda komično, kao da dolaze iz različitih stoljeća :)
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
20% off for min order 30 EUR including free shipping for orders over 100 EUR!
Hurry, SALE is until 2nd February!
I make space in the shop for new creations. For questions please send me message.
You are welcome :)
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About inspiration - ABOUT MY ART, ABOUT MY LIFE
On the right side you have the TRANSLATE button, you can translate the text into your language. ABOUT MY ART, MY LIFE O MOJOJ UMJETNOSTI ,...

HR - EN „…o vjetru,letu i pokretu!“ „…about wind, flying and movement!“ 7. listopad - 3. studeni 2010. u Muzeju Đakovštine u Đak...
CRO - EN TEKTONIKA - TECTONICS - Vesna Kolobarić - 3 rings for group exhibition in gallery KARAS in Zagreb - 3 PRSTENA NA VIROVI...
UNIKATNI ŠAL SA APLIKACIJAMA Unique scarf with applications
BRANCHES The cycles of fiber and vegan jewelry. NIGHT BUTTERFLY Elegant and interesting pin ... fiber art ... ...
VESELI NAKIT HAPPY JEWELRY Nakon dugo vremena konačno sam našla emajl boje da bi moj nakit bio šaren i spreman za prol...
KRAĐA život profesionalne umjetnice u gradu Đakovu ili kako su vodeće osobe grada Đakova ukrali moja autorska djela ...
Nerado objavljujem ovo profesionalno iskustvo, ali ako šutimo o nepravdama, neprofesionalnosti i nekulturi državnih institucija to znač...
MY ETSY SHOP Unique silver ring, only one, without repetition.