Monday, April 24, 2017

BROOCH (with story) - electroforming fabric mesh with LOS patina


BROOCH (with story) - electroforming fabric mesh with LOS patina

In the past, something bad happened with my cervical spine, one reason is big mistake of a doctor and another reason is occupational disease due to long-term position of the body in a non-physiologic position of the body in the time when I was work as textile artist. The consequences are lifelong, pain constantly, I work very hard in pain all the time. I constantly research techniques that are not physically demanding, this is why my creativity is so diverse. I have just discovered the electroformnig of jewelry as a technique. I hope that I will be able to work with less pain - my joy is endless :)

BROŠ (sa pričom) - elektrooblikovana mreža od tkanine s LOS patinom

U prošlosti se dogodilo nešto loše s mojom vratnom kralježnicom, jedan od razloga je velika pogreška liječnika, a drugi razlog je profesionalna bolest zbog dugotrajnog položaja tijela u nefiziološkom položaju tijela u vrijeme kada sam radila kao tekstilna umjetnica. Posljedice su doživotno bolno stanje, cijelo vrijeme radim u bolovima koji ne prestaju. Stalno istražujem tehnike koje nisu fizički zahtjevne, zato je moja kreativnost tako raznovrsna. Upravo sam otkrila elektro oblikovanje nakita kao tehniku. Nadam se da ću moći raditi s manje boli - moja radost je beskrajna :)

This is how process of electroforming jewelry looks like, one step...cup of coffee is on secure distance on the shelf, far away from all chemistry :)

Ovako izgleda proces elektroformiranja nakita, jedan korak...šalica kave je na sigurnoj udaljenosti na polici daleko od kemikalija :)


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